Wichita Falls High School Alumni Association
Wichita Falls High School Alumni Association

For Immediate Release: Calling All WFHS Coyotes

WFHS Coyotees - Circa 1963
Wichita Falls High School Alumni Association Announces Plans for
100th Birthday Celebration of WFHS (Old High)
Cherish the past - Build Bridges to the future
     We are hereby issuing an open invitation for all former students to join the association and support our efforts to Build Bridges.
     June 1, 2024, WFHS Class of 1964 will host the 1st Annual Coyote Roundup in celebration of the construction of Old High 100 years ago - 1924. We will also award scholarships to deserving Wichita Falls students who plan to continue their education with our valued partner - Midwestern University.
     Registration for the Roundup IS available and tickets may be purchased by clicking on "Roundup Tickets" in the menu to the left. Ticket prices are based on your year of graduation. We encourage you to register and make plans to attend the Roundup and we welcome any memorabilia to be put on display during the event.